Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tribals come under one platform

Aimed at raising the socio- economic status of tribal people, the southern Indian state of Kerala has developed a database of tribal families living in the state. 

The state government has already collected data of about five lakh tribal people from about 6000 tr4ibal settlements spread across the state.


Women in leadership face higher sexual harassment than others

Generally it is the low ranking workers who are known to be sexually harassed. But a new study has recently come out stating that women in leadership positions face higher sexual harassment by their male bosses.https://indianf.com/women-in-leadership-face-higher-sexual-harassment-than-others/

No one to be sent back who seek asylum due to climate issues: UNHRC

In a major ruling, the United Nations Human Rights Committee has stated that countries should not deport or sent back people who have sought asylum because of climate related issues and threats. The ruling is the first of its kind in a petition filed by an individual before the UNHRC against deportation.https://indianf.com/no-one-to-be-sent-back-who-seek-asylum-due-to-climate-issues-unhrc/

Elephants are gentle men; SC

Elephant is a gentleman and man should give way for it,” remarked the Supreme Court of India while upholding the notification with respect to Nilgiris Elephant Corridor by the Tamil Nadu government. In a powerful observation, the Supreme Court said that Elephants are big and powerful but they are fragile animals. The court also mentioned that they were dealing with a fragile eco system....https://indianf.com/elephants-are-gentle-men-sc/

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Rushina, a supermom, who fed five babies to life

Rushina is a real supermom of Gujarat now and has proved to the world that humanity is a million times worth than any other thing. 

Coming to know about the need to have breast milk for five pre mature babies, she donated 12 litres of breast milk and saved the lives of the tiny tots.

Two pegs a day? That is also Too Much Dear

Many must be thinking that two pegs a day is healthy.

 There have been lots of reports and arguments about the limited drinking. But, a recent study shows that two pegs may be too much.


Chilli is not just spicy, but healthy too

The diet that includes chillies can help lower the risk of heart disease, says a recent study published in the latest issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
