Saturday, October 31, 2020

For Rimu, education is the power of women 


For Rimu Sultana Rimu, literacy is always her mission. For this young Rohingya activist now living in one of the world’s largest refugee camps — Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh) — education is what gives power to women and children......

Meet brave Askira, who fights against Boko Haram

 Born and raised in the epicentre of the Boko Haram insurgency, Fatima Askira is one of the woman leaders from Nigeria who stood for the upliftment of women and for promoting peace in her community. And it was this courage that got her named as one among the other leaders in the 20 Years of Women, Peace, Power of UN Women on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325.

eSanjeevani, the OPD portal makes a difference in health service


Six lakh tele-consultation and still going. This is what eSanjeevani, tele-medicine initiative of India, has achieved in just six months. An initiative of the Ministry of Health and the first of the kind by any government, the digital consultation have transformed the healthcare service by providing consultation at homes.....

Friday, October 30, 2020

Dr Habiba Sarabi, a trailblazing leader of Women rights


A trailblazing leader and one among the four women involved in negotiating peace with the Taliban forces in war torn Afghanistan, Dr Habiba Sarabi has got mentioned in the “20 Years of Women, Peace, Power” of UN Women on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325.....

Social isolation, a more risky factor for women


It is a known fact that social isolation and loneliness affects the physical health of a person. But do these affect men and women in different ways? Yes, they do as per a new study by a group of researchers at the University of British Columbia. They found that women are more prone to social isolation and loneliness, placing them at higher risk of hypertension.....

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Covid 19 pandemic highlights importance of Open Science

 Covid 19 has taught the world a lot and one such thing is cooperation in the field of scientific research. Already a movement focussing on free access to scientific publicatios, infrastructure and data, the ‘Open Science’ has now got an added support from international organisations.....

Tourism sector re-energising remains uncertain

 When is tourism sector going to rebound? Despite countries opening tourist destinations, this is a question that is doing the rounds for the last many months. The UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has said that a rebound in international tourism was possible in 2021, especially in the third quarter.  However, some experts say that this was not possible and world tourism was likely to get re-energised only in 2022....

Vaccine nationalism and the poor

 It was only two days ago that the World Health Organisation warned against Vaccine Nationalism. The WHO was forced to come out with such a warning after rich countries such as the United States, UK, France and Germany entered into purchase contracts with Coivid-19 manufacturers. The countries started the spree even before the human trials were conclusive on the vaccine......

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Zero gender-based violence, preventable maternal death, unmet need for family planning.


The world is in need of zero gender-based violence, zero preventable maternal death and Zero unmet need for family planning. In a bid to make lives better, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has come up with three world programmes — zero gender-based violence, zero preventable maternal death and Zero unmet need for family planning......

Tamil Nadu in top of highest road accident


Tamil Nadu topped the list of accidents in 2019 though it showed a reduction of 10.5 per cent over the previous years, according to the latest report of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.....

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Covid 19 interrupts efforts to achieve gender equality

 Gender equality was always an issue and COVID-19 pandemic has only elevated the divide. The pandemic was “interrupting efforts to achieve equality” and threatening to “reverse hard-won gains over the past decades, the United Nations said....

Bio trade to recover from Covid-19

 World leaders have given a call to tap Bio Trade for a better recovery from Covid-19 pandemic as the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can create jobs and economic growth while protecting the World. The leaders said that the pandemic was an opportunity to put bold and ambitious environmental action at the heart of post coronavirus economic recovery strategies...

First seaplane in India all set for the skies


The first seaplane service in India will commence from Gujarat on October 31 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi flags off the first of the five seaplane services connecting Sabarmati River in Ahmedabad to the Statue of Unity in Kevadia in Narmada district....

Online shopping biggest shift at time of Covid-19


Covid 19 has brought in many changes and one of the biggest changes visible is with the shift in shopping. The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards a more digital world and triggered changes in online shopping behaviours and these are likely to last for a long period, according to a new survey “COVID 19 and commerce”...

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Four principles to reduce risk of future pandemics

In the wake of increasing zoonotic diseases across the world, a group of international organisations have come up with four guiding principles for reducing the risk of future pandemics originating from wild animals....

Urban sprawl and unsustainable forestry, a threat to biodiversity; EU


Unsustainable farming and forestry, pollution and urban sprawl are blamed for a drastic decline in Europe’s biodiversity, which threatens the survival of thousands of animal species and habitats, according to a new report by the European Union....

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Babies consume 1.6 million microplatics a day


We all know that microplastics are everywhere. They are found in the water we drink, the fish we eat and the food we eat. A new study has shown that Bottle-fed babies may ingest more than a million pieces of microplastics each day.....

Ayushman Sahakar, a healthcare infrastructure by cooperatives


Any Cooperative Society in the country can develop healthcare infrastructure with the launch of Ayushman Sahakar, a unique scheme to assist affordable and holistic healthcare through hospitals / healthcare / education facilities by cooperative societies.....

Climate change adaptation in European cities need of the hour: Studies

European cities are struggling to handle impacts of heatwaves, destructive floods and severe droughts despite increasing awareness of climate change impacts and the need to adapt, according to two reports on Climate change and Europe.......

Thursday, October 15, 2020

40 per cent of people do not have a hand washing facility: UNICEF


Hand washing is vital for fighting infectious diseases, including COVID-19. However, 40 per cent of the world’s population or about three billion people do not have a hand washing facility with water and soap at home, according to a new estimate of UNICEF....

One in three people not adequately covered by Early Warning Systems


Over the past 50 years, climate and water related disasters have increased five times and the economic losses have increased by a factor of seven even as the average deaths has fallen by a third, according to a new multi-agency report...

Covid pandemic gives second chance to improve climate: UNEP


Noting that the world has a second and possibly last chance to tackle climate change and other environmental threats, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has asked the countries not to ignore economic lessons of the Great Recession.....

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

World yet to utilise the nature for its medicinal values

 Even as 4,000 or more species of plants and fungi are scientifically described for the first time every year, the world has not yet fully utilised medicine cabinet of the wild. Moreover, 723 plant species that are used medicinally are threatened with extinction, according to a new study by the Royal Botanic Kew Gardens......


Frequent Droughts to dot Europe; Study


With global warming, droughts will become more frequent, last longer and become more intense in Europe, according to the final report of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission....

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Without healthy planet, there can be no healthy economies: ILO


With the countries across the world plunged into recession, the International Labour Organisation along with the World Wide Fund for Nature opined that the best opportunities for stimulating economic recovery and job creation lie in “green” industries...

One fifth countries at risk of ecosystem collapsing


A fifth of the countries are at risk of their ecosystems collapsing because of the destruction of wildlife and their habitats, according to an international analysis. The study, which is based on Swiss Re Institute’s near Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Index, shows that both developing and advanced economies are at risk....

Less than 60 women Nobel winners all these years


Four women won the Nobel Prize in 2020 for literature, chemistry and physics. Fifty seven women got the Nobel Prize since its establishment in 1895. Though 2020 awards shed some light on the progress for women’s inclusion, yet there’s still a long way to go to achieve gender equality.....

7,348 major disasters, 1.23 million lives, 2.97 trillion dollars economic losses

The first 20 years of this century saw a “staggering” rise in climate disasters and “almost all nations” failed to prevent a “wave of death and illness” caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to UN researchers....

Thursday, October 8, 2020

A baby stillborn every 16 seconds

A stillborn baby is delivered every 16 seconds, which means nearly two-million infants over the course of a year never take their first breath, according to a new UN report published on Thursday. And the worst thing is that majority of these deaths could have been avoided with high-quality care antenatally and during birth, the report — Neglected Tragedy: The Global Burden of Stillbirths– said....

UN calls for strengthening universal health coverage


Stressing that Covid 19 pandemic has opened up the importance of strong public health systems and emergency preparedness for communities and economies globally, the United Nations has called for greater investments in universal health coverage.....

Despite US-UN differences, majority Americans say UN need of the time

Despite differences between the United States and the United Nations, majority of the Americans have opined that the global organisation was still needed today. A survey held recently said that 73 per cent of the people who participated in the survey expressed the opinion....

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Not just humans but animals also face Covid-19 threat

It is not just human beings who are facing the threat of Covid -19. A new study has claimed that about 26 animals that come in regular contact with human beings may be vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2....

Covid disrupts mental health service in over 90 per cent countries

 The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal life across the world and the worse is that mental health services has been halted in 93 per cent of the countries worldwide. The World Health Organisation (WHO) made the revelation in a survey, which provides the first global impact of COVID-19 pandemic....

Ten countries make the bulk of Covid cases and deaths

 It is just ten countries that account for 70 per cent of all reported cases and deaths. And among these countries, three countries account for half cases and deaths....

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Whales sing at night to carolling in day time

A group of scientists have now claimed that Whales, which already endangered, could be saved by tracking their sounds. They found that whales produced different sounds during the day time and night......

Providing homes to the vulnerable to be top priority; UN

The United Nations called for urgent action to provide low income families and vulnerable populations with affordable housing with security of tenure and easy access to water, sanitation, transport and other basic services. On Monday, October 5, that marks the World Habitat Day, the United Nations gave the call noting that having an adequate home is now, more than ever, a matter of life and death.....

Key areas identified for sustainable ocean economy

With Covid 19 pandemic having hit the ocean economy in a drastic way, a new report commissioned by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, has called for giving importance to five key areas towards a sustainable ocean economy.....

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Majority parents won’t send children to school even if re-opened

How many parents will send their children to go to school even if the government gives permission to reopen schools? A news survey has shown that 71 per cent of the parents in India will not send their children to school if the permission is given to reopen then.....

Crops not yet used to the maximum in bio-fuel


Despite the energy sector diversifying from hydrocarbons into bio-energy, wind and solar, as part of efforts to cut carbon emissions and slow climate change, an international report stated that only six crop species yield 80 per cent of global industrial bio-fuel now...

Lack of information on older population haunts policy making


The Covid-19 pandemic had an adverse impact worldwide, especially for the older people. Not only this, the pandemic has also magnified existing violations of their rights, according to a new report. Moreover, the report said that information related to the realities of older people were not available with the Governments...

American Indian women paid much less; IWPR


Despite the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women making strides in social, economic and political spheres, they are still the lesser paid ones in the United States. When working all year round, the AIAN women are paid just 59.7 cents for every dollar paid to White non-Hispanic men, according to a new report of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR). ....

Atal Tunnel, World’s longest highway opened to traffic

Atal Tunnel, longest highway tunnel in the world, was opened to traffic on October 3. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 9.02 Km long tunnel that connects Manali to Lahaul-Spiti valley.....

Friday, October 2, 2020

A road map for clean air for Europe

Aimed at clean air, water and soil, healthy ecosystems and a healthy living environment for all , the European Commission launched the roadmap on an Action Plan “ towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil – building a Healthier Planet for Healthier People”...

Meet the Air India One

India’s first VVIP plane landed at the Indira Gandhi International Airport on Thursday. Worthy for the travel of India’s VVIPs, including the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister, the Boeing 777-300 ER is considered a class in itself.....

Underutilised plants hold key to future food production


Scientists and collaborators have suggested that underutilised and overlooked plants hold the key to future food production around the world as relying on a handful of crops to feed the global population has led to malnutrition and left the world vulnerable to climate change.....

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Scientists widely accepted: Study

 Scientists and their research are widely viewed in a positive light and a large majority believe that government investments in scientific research yield benefits for society, according to an international research....

Two in five plants across the world under threat of extinction


Two in five of the world’s plants are at risk of extinction as a result of destruction of nature, according to the Royal Botanic Kew Gardens report on State of the World’s Plants and Fungi.....