Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Elon Musk, the second richest


The world now knows that Elon Musk, South African born American entrepreneur, had jumped to the second position among the world’s richest, overtaking Bill Gates. Elon Musk advanced up the ranks, mainly driven by Tesla share price, whose market value is almost 500 billion dollars....

Afghanistan not good for Children


Afghanistan records the largest number of killing and maiming of children with 874 children killed and 2,275 children maimed in 2019. This comes to 30 per cent of the total number of children killed and maimed across the globe, according to “Stop the War on Children” report by Save the Children....

36 cities, including four Indian chosen for new technology adaptation


With most of the cities around the world facing major challenges from Covid 19 pandemic, 36 cities including four from India have now come together under the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance for pioneering a road map for adopting new technologies. The World Economic Forum selected the cities 22 countries.....

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How COVID 19 impacted children?


Eleven per cent of the Covid -19 infections (25.7 million till November) were in children and adolescents under 20 years of age, according to a latest report of the UNICEF.....

25 children killed a day in conflict since 2010


The last decade saw more than 93,000 children killed or maimed in conflict even as the number of children affected by conflict and war are only increasing every other day, according to Save the Children.....

World to see increased measles outbreak in 2021


Covid 19 pandemic has put the break on vaccination and as such the world is in the fear major outbreaks such as measles in 2021. The scientists in a recent article in the Lancet Journal warned of the outbreak as an unexpected consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.....

Monday, November 23, 2020

For first time, diamonds developed in room temperature


Diamonds normally takes billions of years to form. It is formed naturally under high pressure and temperature. But a group of scientists have not developed diamond in a lab in room temperature. This is the first time that diamonds are developed in a lab in room temperature.

Act now for a better generation: UNICEF

The governments have mobilised billions to save economises from nose diving. However, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned of a lost generation of children if not acted soon.

Jayalaithaa’s aide Sasikakla’s release; who paid ten crore?

It is only a matter of few days that late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s aide  K Sasikala will come out of the Bangalore Jail where she is imprisoned in a disproportionate assets case. This comes after a fine of Rs ten crore imposed on her was remitted by her relatives....

Thursday, November 19, 2020

No safe level of Alcohol consumption exists. WHO


Europe saw 11 per cent of its cancer cases linked to alcohol, which many people tend to ignore. The WHO European region in their fact sheet said that there was no safe level of alcohol consumption, regardless of the beverage type, quality and price....

Digital cooperation the need of the hour; UN Internet Forum

COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated the importance of digital technology but it has also led to exacerbated inequalities and digital divide. The UN has already warned that nearly half the people worldwide are denied opportunities to communicate, work study, shop and even participate in much of modern life. It was at this juncture that the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) met recently and endorsed the commitment to support global digital cooperation through concrete action and various projects to connect the unconnected.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Less than 30 per cent preferred “Made in China” products this Diwali

 Indians always preferred to buy low cost products and “Made in China”: had always a preference. But this Diwali was quite different as majority of the Indians did not go after products with a “Made in China” tag.....

Zoom Dysmorphia grips people; several turns up for plastic surgery

 With Covid 19 keeping people indoors and companies and institutions going in for online meetings, people are in the grip of Zoom Dysmorphia, a phenomenon where people tend to look more glamorous in online meetings. This tendency has resulted in people going in for plastic surgery in great numbers so as to look more glamorous in online meetings....

Mars lost more water and still continues to loss; Study


Mars, the red Planet is known to have the presence of water millions of years ago. And now, scientists have decoded the phenomenon of how Mars lost its water that is equal to the global ocean.....

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

WHO dreams big of eliminating cervical cancer


Vaccinating 90 per cent of girls by 15 years of age, screening 70 per cent of women by 35 years and treating 90 per cent of women identified with cervical disease. This is what the World Health Organisation (WHO) dreams of for eliminating cervical cancer by 2050......

Meet the Four SpaceX Astronauts

The world has seen the four astronauts shooting up to reach the International Space Station in the first SpaceX operational trip. Of the four, two are military officers, one is the first person in decades to launch aboard three kinds of rocketships and the fourth is a space shuttle flight controller.

Let’s look at each of the astronauts.......


Friday, November 13, 2020

Kabartal, Bihar’s first freshwater marsh under Ramsar Convention

 Kabartal in Bihar has made recent headlines. But there were only a few takers. The freshwater marsh was in the news for coming under the Ramsar Convention. The convention is an international treaty, signed on February 2, 1971, for the conservation and wise use of wet lands.  The treaty was signed in the city of Ramsar in Iran....

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Kids of Mom’s with healthy lifestyle much healthier


A mother’s health and her healthy habits will reflect in a child. A child whose mother had a healthy lifestyle is now known to live longer without any heart related issues than a child whose mother had unhealthy lifestyle.....

Covid 19 takes the toll on more nurses


Did covid 19 take the lives of as many nurses as those who died in the World War I? If the International Council of Nurses (ICN) has to be believed, at least 1,500 nurses across the world have now died of Covid 19....

Cities “advertisers” for foreign direct investment


Urban areas are not just regions that build up hope and aspirations of many but they are primary catalysts of economic development and prosperity across the world. The Urban areas are regions that generate enormous economies as the platforms for production, trade, innovation and generating formal and informal employment.....

Women having jobs have better memory: study

 Women who work have sharp memory later in their life, according to a new study among the women in the United States.....

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

India’s forest man finds a place in US curriculum

 Jadav Payeng, who is known as India’s Forest Man, has dedicated almost all this entire life, about 42 years, for preserving Molai woods, a forested area spread over 500 hectares along a barren sandbar of Majuli in Assam. His dedication for protecting the forest has now found him a place in the school curriculum in the United States.....

Tutarieva is a fighter for women equality


Coming from a community where men are always considered super powers and where the society thinks that men are the providers and women are homemakers, Nadia Tutarieva has made a difference in transforming women in her locality in Ukraine. And this has won her a place among the other leaders in the 20 Years of Women, Peace, and Power of UN Women on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325......

Child protection funding needs streamlining

 The world has seen an increase in funding for child protection but the gaps still remain wide with the increase in need at an alarming rate. The funding allocations for child protection were not on track for meeting the needs, according to a new global report.....

Monday, November 2, 2020

Priyanca, Indian origin NZ minister believes in dignity for all


Priyanca Radhakrishnan from Kerala is in the limelight now. She has now got the distinction of becoming the first-ever Indian-origin minister in New Zealand’. She was one among the five new ministers inducted into her executive by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardem...