Wednesday, November 30, 2022

World was Drier in 2021; WMO

 Most of the world was drier than normal in 2021, with “cascading effects on economies, ecosystems and our daily lives”, according to UN World Meteorological Organization(WMO).....

Full Labour Recovery Still Remains Elusive for Asia -Pacific

Asia-Pacific labour markets recorded a partial rebound from COVID-19 impact but full recovery remains elusive with conditions expected to remain difficult into 2023, according to the latest report from the International Labour Organisation (ILO)....

FIFA 2022; Alarm Over Camel Flu

With more than a million people gathering in Qatar for FIFA World Cup 2022, experts have warned that football fans in Qatar may be at risk of catching the “Camel Flu” or “Middle East respiratory syndrome”. World Health Organisation experts were reported to have raised an alarm against Camel Flu and warned that FIFA World Cup may attract Camel flu.....

HIV treatment/prevention flat-lined over 3 Years; UNICEF

 Warning that progress in HIV prevention and treatment has nearly flat lined over the past three years, a UNICEF analysis said that about 1,10,000 children and adolescents (0-19 years) died from AIDs-related causes during 2021...

The Kashmir Files” controversy; What is It All About?


Film maker and head of the international of the 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) Nadav Lapid kicked off a controversy when he called “The Kashmir Files” “vulgar and propaganda”....

Monday, November 28, 2022

Full Labour Recovery Still Remains Elusive for Asia -Pacific


Asia-Pacific labour markets recorded a partial rebound from COVID-19 impact but full recovery remains elusive with conditions expected to remain difficult into 2023, according to the latest report from the International Labour Organisation (ILO)....

No Monkeypox But Just Mpox

From now onwards, it is not Monkeypox but it is just mpox. The World Health Organization (WHO) on November 28, 2022 said it decided to rename monkeypox as mpox in the wake of reports of racist and stigmatising language surrounding the name of the disease..... 

33 Million Persons work in the Forest Sector

Do you know how many people are at present employed in the forest sector? An estimated 33 million people work in the forest sector, according to the latest analysis from the International Labour Organisation.,.........

FIFA 2022; Alarm Over Camel Flu


With more than a million people gathering in Qatar for FIFA World Cup 2022, experts have warned that football fans in Qatar may be at risk of catching the “Camel Flu” or “Middle East respiratory syndrome”. World Health Organisation experts were reported to have raised an alarm against Camel Flu and warned that FIFA World Cup may attract Camel flu......

Protest in China Cities Over Covid Lockdown

Several Cities across China from capital Beijing in the north to Urumqi in the west have witnessed widespread protests against COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by the government, which shows rising public anger over the stringent measures.......

More than five women killed every hour by Intimate Partners

About 45,000 warnen and girls worldwide were killed by intimate partners or other family members in 2021, which means more than five women or girls are killed every hour by someone in their own family.....


More than 50,00 Deaths During Migration

More than 50,000 people across the world have lost their lives during their migratory journeys since since 2014 and the little action has been taken by governments in countries of origin, transit, and destination to address the ongoing global crisis of missing migrants, according to the latest IOM report.....

Europe Warming Much faster and Becoming Drier

Europe is warming faster than the global average and the climate across the continent also became drier, particularly in southern Europe, leading to worse heat waves and an increased risk of fires, according to a new study....

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Taliban’s Treatment of Women Crime Against humanity


Taliban’s latest actions targeting women and girls in Afghanistan deepen existing flagrant violations of their human rights and freedoms, and the draconian activities “should be investigated as gender persecution”, according human rights experts....

Friday, November 25, 2022

A Billion And More Teens At Higher Risk of Hearing Loss

 More than a billion teens and young people are at a higher risk of hearing loss because of their use of headphones and ear buds and attendance at loud music venues, according to a new analysis published in the open access journal BMJ Global Health....


Birds with extreme or uncommon combinations of traits face the highest risk of extinction, according to a new study published in the British Ecological Society journal  “Functional Ecology”....

Address Root Cause Of Gender Violence For More Food

The world should address the root causes of Gender Based Violence for women to be safer and more likely to have food

More Classified programmes to Prevent Online Violence Against Children N...

As the world comes under much concern of keeping children safe online,the WHO suggests implementing school-based educational programmes that have multiple sessions, promote interaction among youth and engage parents.....

Address Root Cause Of Gender Violence For More Food

 The world should address the root causes of Gender Based Violence for women to be safer and more likely to have food, and if done so, the women are likely to produce more food so everyone is less hungry, according to a new report from CARE.....

More Classified programmes Needed Against Online Violence Against Children


As the world comes under much concern of keeping children safe online,the WHO suggests implementing school-based educational programmes that have multiple sessions, promote interaction among youth and engage parents....

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Measles on the Run; 40 Million Children susceptible


About 40 million children are dangerously susceptible to measles threat as they missed the vaccine in 2021, according to World Health Organisation...

More than 50,00 Deaths During Migration


More than 50,000 people across the world have lost their lives during their migratory journeys since since 2014 and the little action has been taken by governments in countries of origin, transit, and destination to address the ongoing global crisis of missing migrants, according to the latest IOM report......

Global Economy to Slow Down With Energy Crisis Out of Ukraine War

 Global economy is expected to further slow down in the coming year as the massive and historic energy shock triggered by Russia- Ukraine war continues to spur inflationary pressures, sapping confidence and household purchasing power and increasing risks worldwide, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook....

Melting Glaciers Leak Out Large Amounts of Bacteria Into Water Bodies

 Fast-melting glaciers release a staggering amount of bacteria into rivers and streams, which could transform icy ecosystems, warns scientists....

India’s GDP to Slow Down in 2023-24

 The GDP growth of India will slow to 5.7 per cent in 2023-24, as exports and domestic demand growth moderate and would surge back to 6.9 per cent in 2024-25, according to according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook....

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Asia is far Ahead in Patents


Despite the disruption of Covid 19pandemic, patents, Global intellectual property (IP) filings for patents, trademarks and designs reached new heights in 2021, with Asia driving growth in intellectual property....

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

AIM: Understanding the Glaciers and the Melting Mountains

 With ice sheet loss in Greenland and parts of Antarctica gathering pace and largely irreversible, eighteen countries led by two polar and mountain nations of Chile and Iceland joined together at COP27 to create a new high-level group ‘Ambition on Melting Ice on Sea-level Rise and Mountain Water Resources (AIM) to make the world understand the impacts of cryosphere loss....

Friday, November 18, 2022

Racism, Discrimination Against Children Still Rife Across The World; UNICEF


As the World Celebrates Children’s day on November 20, a new UNICEF report states that racism and discrimination against children based on their nationality, ethnicity, language, religion and other grounds are rife in countries across the globe....

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Europe Needs More Cancer Care or Could Face Cancer Epidemic


Europe will see a cancer epidemic in the next decade if weaknesses in cancer health systems and cancer research are not urgently addressed, according to a new analysis from Lancet. ...

Today and Tomorrow; New UNICEF Child-Focused Climate Initiative


The UN Children’s Fund(UNICEF) on November 15 launched a new climate financing initiative to enhance countries’ climate resilience and disaster preparedness for children and youth and bolster protection for children from the impacts of future climate-related disasters....

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

X-37B; What the Drone Says?


A US military space drone, which was Launched in secrecy, landed back at the Kennedy Space Center  in Florida on November 12, 2022, after nearly two and a half years in orbit. The unmanned X-37B shuttle, whose first flight took place in 2010, has now spent a total of more than ten years in space and flown more than 1.3 billion miles during six missions.....

Climate Change Weakens Asia More


Economic losses from drought, floods and landslides have rocketed in Asia with the region suffering a total damage of 35.6 billion dollars, affecting nearly 50 million people in 2021 alone. This comes in the latest State of the Climate in Asia 2021 report from the World Meteorological Organization(WMO).....

Friday, November 11, 2022

Emissions By Billionaires 100 times far more than an Average Man


The investments made by just 125 billionaires emit 393 million tonnes of CO2e each year – the equivalent of France – at an individual annual average that is a million times higher than someone in the bottom 90 percent of humanity, according to a latest report.....

Ten Insights into Climate Change at COP27


Focussing on the limits of humankind to adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change, especially more frequent and severe drought, storms and floods, leading global experts from natural and social sciences presented ten essential insights into climate change since 2021 at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.....

Austrian film Alma and Oskar to Open 53rd IFFI

 Austrian film Alma and Oskar will open the 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) to be held in Goa from November 20 to November 28. Directed by Dieter Berner, the biopic talks about the passionate and tumultuous relationship between the Viennese society Grand Dame Alma Mahler (1879-1964) and Austrain artist Oskar Kokoschka ((1886-1980)....

Monday, November 7, 2022

Past Eight years, the Eight Warmest; WMO


As the world leaders and stakeholders meet in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt for COP 27, a new report from the World Meteorological Organisation says that the past eight years are the eight warmest on record, fuelled by ever-rising greenhouse gas concentrations and accumulated heat.....

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Just transition key to Achieve Paris Agreement; UNDP

 The Countries that fail to recognize the opportunities afforded by a ‘green revolution’ to reduce the transmission to net – zero emissions run the risk of increasing social inequality, civil unrest and less competitive economies, according to a new report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)....

Developing Countries Need Key Investments, Policy Reforms for Emission Reduction

 Investment to the tune of 1.4% of GDP annually could reduce emissions in developing countries by as much as 70 per cent by 2050 and boost resilience, said a new report from the World Bank....

Friday, November 4, 2022

Seven Indian States Top Education Index in India

 Seven states in India topped the Performance Grading Index (PGI) in Education, the data of which was released on November 3, 2022. Kerala, Punjab, Chandigarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh attained Level II (score 901-950) in 2020-21 as compared to none in 2017-18 and 4 in 2019-20....

Iconic World Heritage Glaciers To Disappear By 2050

 As the world moves towards COP 27, a UNESCO report says that glaciers in

heritage sites are set to disappear by 2050. However, it is still possible to save them if the rise in global temperatures does not exceed 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial period, the UNESCO said in its latest reoport ahead of the COP 27 conference....

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Two Finger test; What’s It all About


The Supreme Court on October 31 prohibited “Two-Finger Test” in rape cases and warned that persons conducting such tests will be held guilty of misconduct and directed the Centre to ensure that survivors are no longer subjected to it..


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

COP 27; What to Expect

 On November 6, world leaders along with climate activists, mayors, civil society representatives and CEOs will meet in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh for the largest annual gathering on climate action – the COP 27......