Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Kakhovka dam Crisis

 Tens of thousands of civilians in Ukraine are in danger on the frontline after the collapse of the Kakhovka dam, which triggered a blame game between Russia and Ukraine.....

Robot ‘chef’ recreating recipes

How About robots making your favourite dish? A group of researchers have trained a robotic ‘chef’ to watch and learn from cooking videos, and recreate the dish itself....

Nine Percent Adults Identify Themselves as LGBT

An average of nine per cent adults in 30 countries identifies themselves as LGBT, with sharp generational differences, according to a recent survey by IPSOS.....

A Wide Fund Gap in Child Protection

 A shortfall of nearly 650 million dollar fund in child protection leaves nearly 18 million vulnerable children and caregivers in the world’s worst humanitarian crises at risk of violence, exploitation and abuse, said Save the Children.....

Heart Attack Loves Monday

 On what day of the week a serious heart attack could happen? Have you ever thought of this? Well, a group pf researchers say that Monday cold be that day when heart attacks happen more.....

A Wooden Satellite To Space


Is it absurd to think of sending a wooden satellite into space? Though wood is not considered as durable as metal, an experiment shows wood is surprisingly sturdy in outer space. This prompted a group of researchers to put the first wooden satellite into space and they would probably launch in in 2024, if things go well....

Marine pollution from sunken vessels is predicted to reach its highest level this decade, with over 8,500 shipwrecks at risk of leaking approximately 6 billion gallons of oil, according to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).... 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Loka Kerala Sabha; Over 25,000 to 100,000 dollars to sit close to Pinarayi?

 The Loka Kerala Sabha, a Non-resident Keralites convention, to be held in the United States of America this month, has sparked a controversy over money being charged from ‘pravasis’ to stand or sit close to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan during the three-day event. As the Congress led opposition has come up against the convention, the ruling denied the allegations, of fund raising../..

Burkina Faso tops the list of the world’s most neglected displacement crises, according to a new report from the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).... 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Clean Energy Extending Over Fossil Fuels

 Global investment in clean energy is on course to rise to USD 1.7 trillion in 2023, with solar set to eclipse oil production for the first time, according to IEA’s latest World Energy Investment report.....

Almost Half of Earth Life Declining

 In a study that is quite alarming, researchers noted that almost half of all life on Earth is “declining towards extinction, putting human wellbeing under increasing threat”....

Sex Education Tool Betters Reproductive Health Knowledge Among Adolescent Girls


In a new study, the researchers maintained that sex education tools improved reproductive health knowledge scores and measures of self-efficacy among adolescent girls....

Low Sexual Satisfaction And Memory Decline

 Is low sexual satisfaction linked to memory decline? Yes, it is true. A new study revealed that low sexual satisfaction in middle age might serve as an early warning sign for future cognitive decline.....

Flash drought to Increase Impact on Agriculture

 In a new study, researchers said that rapid development of unexpected drought, called flash drought, could severely affect agricultural and ecological systems with ripple effects that extend even further....

Worsening Debts dashes Job Aspiration In Developing Countries


The increase in debt levels compounded by high inflation and rising interest rates have dashed job-seekers’ hopes in developing countries, according to the latest International Labour Organization (ILO) report....

Prof. Celeste Saulos WMO’s First Female Secretary General


Prof. Celeste Saulo of Argentina becomes the first female Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). She takes the helm at the fore of international efforts to monitor and tackle climate change and increasingly extreme weather.....