Saturday, December 30, 2023

Unleashing the Potential of Orange Peels

The Power of Neem Leaves for Health and Wellness

Neem leaves, derived from the illustrious neem tree, have been cherished for centuries for their multifaceted benefits. This verdant gift of nature not only tantalizes taste buds but also serves as a powerhouse of health and wellness.....

Plants Predict Volcanic Eruptions

Amid the looming spectre of volcanic Eruptions in Iceland, recent research from McGill University  uncovered a remarkable phenomenon: plants surrounding volcanoes exhibit a vibrant green hue just before an eruption. ....

Unveiling the Health Risks of Climate Change in In 2

 India, where disparities in living conditions, education, and healthcare are pronounced, health risks due to climate change is acutely felt by those on the margins. A recent study published in Climatic Change unravels a grim reality, exposing the daunting challenges faced by the nation in the face of climate-induced health risks.....

Friday, December 29, 2023

Discover Effective Home Remedies for Firmer Skin

Maintaining healthy and firm skin doesn’t always require expensive treatments; often, simple home remedies can significantly contribute to your skin’s overall health and appearance....

VIBES; Vibrating Pill to Tackle Weight Loss Challenge

In the relentless battle against excess weight, MIT engineers have introduced a groundbreaking solution—a Vibrating Ingestible BioElectronic Stimulator (VIBES) pill......

Unequal Impact of Extreme Climate Disasters in 2023

In the relentless battle against climate change, a new analysis by Christian Aid exposes a harsh truth—a “global postcode lottery” where the economic impact of extreme climate disasters disproportionately affects the poor. The report, “Counting the Cost 2023: A year of climate breakdown,” highlights the urgent need for increased climate finance and investment in early warning systems....

Thursday, December 28, 2023

2023: A Year of Inequality and Unprecedented Challenges

As the world transitions from the uncertainties of 2022, 2023 emerges as a year marked by profound inequality and a myriad of challenges. The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, compounded by threats like climate change, conflict, and economic fragility, cast a daunting shadow over global recovery efforts....

Africa Flock to Rivers and Cities, Amplifying Climate-Induced Risks

About 80% of people in Africa have migrated toward rivers and urban centres in response to drought, escalating the number of individuals living in flood-prone regions....

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Rahul Gandhi’s ‘Bharat Nyay Yatra’: Uniting Nations, Cultures, Voices

Rahul Gandhi is all set to embark on a transformative political journey with the ‘Bharat Nyay Yatra,’ slated to kick off on January 14, ahead of the Lok Sabha polls.....

From Savory to Sweet: A Millet Menu to Keep Your Tastebuds Dancing!

Millet, a small but mighty grain, has been gaining popularity in recent years for its numerous health benefits....

Physician In The Interest Of Universal Health Care

In India, medical graduates used to function as family physicians in cities while in villages, a registered medical practitioner (RMP) played that role. With significant advancement in medical knowledge, having only an MBBS degree is no longer considered enough for providing optimum care as a family physician. Accordingly, patients now usually approach specialists even for trivial problems......

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Gaza ‘s Cry; Unprecedented Hunger Crisis Demands Urgent Action

In the heart of Gaza, a haunting crisis is unfolding — 100% of Gaza’s population, comprising approximately 2.22 million individuals, is ensnared in a hunger crisis of alarming proportions....

Oscar Buzz Begins: Shortlists Announced for the 96th Academy Awards

Barbie, Oppenheimer, Killers of the Flower Moon, The Color Purple and The Zone of Interest are among the film that made the cut on multiple lists the for the 96th Academy Awards (oscar)....

How Cleaner Air Can Save the Himalayas

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a silver lining has emerged from an unexpected source – the Himalayan glaciers. An international research team, scrutinizing data from the 2020 lockdown, has found that reducing air pollution to levels observed during the pandemic could be the key to preserving Himalayas, preventing their disappearance by the century’s end.....

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Disturbing Trend; Surge in Journalist Fatalities

The year 2023 has unravelled as a perilous chapter for journalists operating within conflict zones, painting a grim picture of escalating dangers.....

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Banana Face Masks

Bananas aren’t just a health super food; they work wonders for your skin too. Packed with antioxidants, banana face masks leave your skin soft, radiant, and wrinkle-free. Bid farewell to excess oil and acne-causing bacteria with these DIY face packs using common household ingredients.....

Digital Media in India Set to Triple Growth by 2030

India’s digital media and entertainment industry, presently valued at $12 billion, are poised to triple in size, as per a report on Wednesday...

The Art of Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping

In the realm of beauty, non-surgical nose reshaping emerges as a game-changer, offering a non-invasive, quick-fix solution to nose imperfections. Say goodbye to surgical interventions; this innovative technique uses dermal fillers to sculpt the perfect nasal appearance.......

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

A Creative Guide to Timeless Skincare in Your 40s

Embrace the beauty of your forties with a rejuvenated skincare journey, a self-care odyssey navigating the nuances of aging. Explore the chapters of age-defying wisdom and experience, as your skin evolves. This pivotal juncture calls for a thoughtful voyage into self-care, a rejuvenation of your skincare routine.....

India Ventures into Arctic Winter Expedition for Climate Insight


In a groundbreaking move for climate research, India has launched its inaugural Arctic winter expedition. The venture is anchored by Himadri, India’s research base in Norway’s Svalbard region, established in 2007, marking a pivotal point in India’s Arctic exploration and global contributions to Arctic environmental knowledge./.....

Suryanelli: Embracing Tranquillity in Munnar Misty Hills

 Imagine spending your holidays surrounded by mist-draped hills, lush tea plantations, and the serene beauty of Suryanelli in Munnar. Nestled in the heart of the Idukki district, this enchanting destination invites travellers to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and embrace the tranquillity of nature.....

Child Marriage; 1 In 5 Girls, 1 In 6 Boys Still Married In India


Despite significant strides in reducing child marriage in India, a recent study reveals that one in five girls and nearly one in six boys are still married as children, posing a challenge to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal target 5.3.....

MoreclimateBUSINESSecnomyIndustryTopNews Global Coal Demand Set for Decline by 2026

 After reaching an all-time high in 2023, global coal demand is expected to decline to 2026, anticipates the International Energy Agency (IEA) anticipates a historic decline in global coal demand, according to its annual coal market report. The report projects a 2.3% reduction in global coal demand by 2026 compared to 2023 levels, marking the first time the IEA has forecasted a drop in coal consumption over its forecast period....

China’s Christian Population Stops growing


The trajectory of Christianity in China has been marked by historical ebbs and flows, and a latest PEW Research shows that Christianity has stopped growing in that country.....

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Hunger Tops List of Issues Impacting Children


Hunger emerges as the foremost concern affecting children globally, according to Save the Children’s extensive survey of over 25,000 adults across 13 countries. The study, conducted between September and October, sheds light on the urgency of the hunger crisis, intensified by the climate crisis, conflict, and the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. As 45% of adults identify hunger as the primary issue impacting children, Save the Children emphasizes the need for immediate action to address the multifaceted challenges faced by children worldwide.....

Impact of Armed Conflict on Children with Disabilities


Children with disabilities face not only daily life barriers but are disproportionately affected by armed conflict. The lack of data, coupled with stigmas and discrimination, has resulted in leaving these children behind, hindering efforts to fully understand the impact of war on them. To address this issue, the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (OSRSG CAAC) has released a groundbreaking report titled ‘Towards Greater Inclusion: A Discussion Paper on the CAAC Mandate and Children with Disabilities in Armed Conflict.‘...

Perilous Trade: Threat to Long-Tailed Macaques


The heightened demand for long-tailed macaques in biomedical research, particularly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is posing a significant threat to their conservation. Despite claims of captive breeding, the unregulated trade originating from Southeast Asia is putting wild populations at risk, with mounting dangers stemming from hunting, trapping, and illicit trade. This unchecked trade not only jeopardizes the macaques’ well-being but also raises serious concerns for the integrity of biomedical research, said a new report from the TRAFFIC. ...

Jina Mahsa Amini, Iranian Women’s Protest Movement Clinch Sakharov Prize


Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women protest movement bagged the prestigious 2023 Sakharov Prize. European Parliament President Roberta Metsola announced this. This recognition stems from their unwavering commitment to challenging oppressive laws, epitomized by the tragic demise of Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurdish woman. The European Parliament’s decision stands as a powerful testament to the persistence of those who fight for equality, dignity, and freedom in Iran....

Invest In Sustainable Development to Address Forced Displacement

 In a stark warning, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) emphasized that investing in sustainable development is crucial to reducing unprecedented levels of forced displacement. The agency highlighted the urgent need to support refugee-hosting countries and those welcoming returnees to prevent new and prolonged displacement....

Barbie and Oppenheimer Lead for 81st Golden Globe Awards


As the anticipation builds for the 81st Golden Globe Awards, the spotlight is firmly on two cinematic heavyweights—Barbie and Oppenheimer. Leading the pack with nine and eight nominations, respectively, these films are poised to make a significant impact at the prestigious event taking place in Los Angeles on January 7.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

COP28; IEA Warns Commitments Insufficient for 1.5°C Goal

At the COP28 climate change conference in Dubai, significant pledges have been made by many countries on renewable and energy efficiency, alongside commitments from numerous companies on methane reduction. However, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warns that these promising steps, while positive, would not suffice to put the world on track to meet international climate targets, notably the critical goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.....

War’s Toll: Ukraine Loses 18% of Scientists

As war reshapes nations, the scientific community in Ukraine faces unprecedented challenges. On February 24th, 2022, the invasion of Ukraine shattered the ordinary lives of its citizens, among them scientist Olena Iarmosh....

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Power and Perils of Friendship

Stronger friendship emerge as key drivers of positive outcomes but they come with negative impact also, according to a study published in the journal Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. The study sheds light on the dual impact these relationships can have on health and well-being....

Climate Crisis in Asia-Pacific: Urgent Need for Transition

Rapid economic growth in Asia Pacific region has lifted an astounding 1.5 billion people out of extreme poverty and bolstered human development but this advancement has exacted a severe toll on the planet, threatening to unravel years of progress and burden future generations.....

Early Warning; Journey To Comprehensive Coverage Far From Complete

Despite strides made in enhancing multi-hazard early warning systems, the journey to comprehensive coverage is far from complete, with half of the world’s countries still lacking adequate systems. A recent report by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) sheds light on this......

Heat waves Set to Displace Billions by 2090

A staggering 2.8 billion people could face exposure to heat waves by 2090, more than double the risk in a low-warming scenario, according to the latest analysis from the International Organization for Migration’s Global Data Institute (IOM GDI)....

Digital trade in Asia pacific Surge; Disparity Still a Challenge

Despite a commendable growth in digitally deliverable exports in Asia Pacific region, the progress remains uneven, with only a handful of economies dominating this landscape, according to a recent UN report....

Friday, December 8, 2023

Decade of Urgency: Alarming Acceleration of Climate Change

The rate of climate change surged alarmingly between 2011-2020, which was the warmest decade on record. Continued rising concentrations of greenhouse gases fuelled record land and ocean temperatures and turbo-charged a dramatic acceleration in ice melt and sea level rise, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)....

Alarming Surge in Child Poverty Across Wealthy Nations

A stark increase in child poverty has been documented in 40 of the world’s wealthiest countries between 2014 and 2021, according to a recent report from the UN Children’s Fund’s global research center, Innocenti.....

Mysterious Ocean Mineral Could Keep Earth Cool

Geologists from MIT have unearthed a groundbreaking revelation hidden beneath the ocean ‘s depths: the extraordinary potential of smectite, a clay mineral, as a potent ally in combating climate change.....

Friday, December 1, 2023

Economic Outlook: Modest Growth Expected

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released its latest Economic Outlook, predicting a modest global GDP growth of 2.9% in 2023....

Navigating the Complexities of 21st Century Misogyny

Society’s treatment of women has regressed, fuelled by the internet’s propagation of new forms of misogyny, as highlighted in a recently published book....

Exploring Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Health Behaviours

Frequent or daily social media use is linked to higher odds of alcohol consumption (48%), drug use (28%), and tobacco use (85%) compared to infrequent use. Additionally, risky sexual behaviours, anti-social conduct, and increased gambling odds were identified as potential consequences of regular social media engagement....

Global Push for Energy Efficiency Gains Traction

Despite increased policy measures promoting energy efficiency, progress remains insufficient to meet climate targets, warns the Energy Efficiency 2023 market report by the International Energy Agency (IEA).....

Respiratory Illness; Alert in Six Indian States

Amidst the surge in respiratory illness among children in China, at least six states in India, including Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Haryana, and Tamil Nadu, are on high alert. This follows the central government’s directive to review readiness in anticipation of the rising trend observed abroad....