Wednesday, May 29, 2024

#NATO Nations to Build #DroneWall defence system

The interior ministers from six NATO countries recently reached a significant agreement to construct a unified “drone wall” defence system along their borders with Russia and Belarus. This landmark proposal, discussed in Riga, Latvia, involves officials from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Finland, and Norway. The project aims to bolster regional security and counter perceived threats from Moscow and Minsk.....

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bridging the Social Protection Gap: A Call for Global Solidarity


A groundbreaking study from researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Nevada, Reno, and Virginia Tech has revealed the profound impact of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions.

Bridging the Social Protection Gap: A Call for Global Solidarity


Low- and middle-income countries must significantly increase their spending to provide universal social protection with an estimated additional $1.4 trillion needed annually, according to ILO...

321,566 Children Lost a Parent to Drug Overdose in a Decade

A staggering 321,566 children in the United States lost a parent to drug overdose between 2011 and 2021, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry. This figure underscores the profound impact of the overdose crisis on families. During this period, the rate of children experiencing such a loss more than doubled, rising from approximately 27 to 63 children per 100,000...

Combating Migrant Smuggling: Global Efforts to Tackle a Growing Crisis

Migrant smuggling is a massive global enterprise, valued between $5.5 and $7 billion annually—comparable to the GDP of countries like the Maldives or Montenegro.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Combating Migrant Smuggling: Global Efforts to Tackle a Growing Crisis


Migrant smuggling is a massive global enterprise, valued between $5.5 and $7 billion annually—comparable to the GDP of countries like the Maldives or Montenegro. Between 2022 and 2023, smugglers transported around 223,000 migrants across the perilous Central Mediterranean Sea route, marking a staggering 60% increase from the previous year. This route, stretching from North Africa to Italy, is notorious for its high mortality rate....