Tuesday, March 31, 2020

#Sniffer_dogs to detect #Covid_19??

Dogs are good sniffers and used for hunting out explosives, drugs, contraband materials and many things.
And now dogs are trained to sniff out #coronavirus victims earlier. Medical Detection Dogs, a charity in the United Kingdom, along with Durham University and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have envisaged a programme to train dogs in detecting coronavirus well in advance......

Covid 19 : Positive updates

#Positive_News: Ten thousand people have recovered from #Covid-19 in the last 24 hours.
A total of 785,797 cases as of this morning, with 37,816 deaths in 197 countries. More people recover: As many as 165,607 people recovered.
In China, 76,052 people out of 81,518 affected persons returned to normal life.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tub bath with hot water can lower risk from heart diseases: Study

Regular bathing in tub, especially with hot water, can lower the risk from heart disease and stroke, says a study done in Japan where there are also cases of sudden deaths associated with hot baths.
Everybody knows that bath can give good sleep and better health. The study, done to assess the long term impact of bath, found that tub bath specially the hot bath was found to be protective and improving cardiovascular health. The study involved more than 61,000 middle aged adults (45 to 59 years).
At the start of the study in ........ (Read More)

Corona: Positive Updates today (25/03/20)

Here are a few positive indicators to heave a sigh of relief as the world is getting more depressed every day with deluge of negative news and increasing spread of the deadly virus.
Total cases: A total of 422,829 cases as of this morning, with 18,907 deaths in 197 countries.
Recovery is strong: As many as 109,102 people have recovered from the disease

Friday, March 20, 2020

Persons with kidney disease advised extra-care to mitigate COVID-19 risk

Experts urged persons with kidney disease to follow the guidelines strictly to mitigate the Corona virus-related infections as it poses particular challenges for patients who receive regular haemodialysis. These patients with damaged kidneys, also known as uremic patients, are particularly vulnerable to infection and may exhibit greater variations in clinical symptoms and infectivity, the experts warned.
“Unlike other at-risk individuals, these patients do not have the ability to stay at home and not interact with others. Despite being high risk since they must travel to dialysis centers 2-3 times every week

Gyan Anant Vidyalaya in Ghaziabad to be the first environmental school in UP

Mobius Foundation will open Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV) in Atrauli village of Ghaziabad district to provide environmental education as the primary focus during academic sessions.
Initially, the school will have classes till 7th standard. From the next academic year, the school will offer education till 12th standard.The Gyan Anant Vidyalaya (GAV) will have all the facilities of an urban school, but will work with a different approach on the all-round development of children. The school would create sensitivity among students towards the environment.

Bacardi shifts production lines to supply hand sanitizers

World’s largest premium rum distillery Bacardi has changed its production lines to supply ethanol required to produce the much-needed hand sanitizers that are in high demand as a result of COVID-19.
The Bacardi Corporation distillery in CataƱo, Puerto Rico, where more than 80% of the company’s rums are produced, has partnered with Puerto Rico based manufacturer Olein Refinery to provide raw materials that will enable the production of more than 1.7M units of 10-ounce hand sanitizer

Naina Parekh, the innovator of world’s first built-in massager backpack

Mumbai-based businesswoman and innovator Naina Parekh who launched the world’s first built-in massager backpack, EUME, is making headlines now beyond India. It has been featured on America’s widely-viewed show ‘Good Morning America’.
44-year-old Naina first thought of such an innovation after seeing her 20-year-old son suffering back pain caused by carrying a heavy backpack everyday. She teamed up with her partner Sanjay Parekh to build the world’s first backpack with a built-in massager – EUME bags.

Corona Revelations: Focus on positives to win the psychological battle

The world is making a valiant fight against a double-edged sword called Corona Virus which has not just spread far and wide, but also caused deep panic in the minds of the people across the globe. So, it is time for a mental and physical fight for all, as it has tested our patience too.
The rising anxieties, flooding negative news reports, the feeling of helplessness in isolation, the worries about the kith and kin stuck in other continents, and above all the horrible feeling that the virus is knocking on our doorstep contribute to a panic situation in most of the people and a depression in many.

Personal empowerment in teens related to bullying

Personally empowered teens are less likely to bully, harass and commit acts of sexual violence, according to a study by the University of New Hampshire, Rutgers University and University of Nebraska.
The Journal of Youth and Adolescence published the study. The study claimed that teens who have healthy relationships and support against violence prevention are less likely to mistreat their peers.The study also notes that coping mechanisms that the adolescents thrive and do well are important to prevent interpersonal violence.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

53% of Indian businesses already feel Corona impact: FICCI

More than half of the Indian businesses has already felt the impact of Coronavirus on their business operations and 80 % of the companies have reported decrease in cash flow, according to a survey done by FICCI which warned that the impact could derail India’s growth story.
The pandemic has had a major impact on the supply chains as more than 60 per cent respondents indicate that their supply chains were affected

Many pharma companies in advanced stages of developing corona vaccine

So far no drug has been developed to fight the Covid-19, even as fatalities and cases surge every minute. The urgency has pushed the countries and pharma companies to work on developing one drug. Many are into it, individually and unitedly. Here are some medicines in the pipeline.
The first Covid-19 vaccine in China is expected to be ready for clinical trials by the end of April. Inovio Pharmaceuticals plans to begin clinical trials on a coronavirus vaccine .

Whatsapp hub to get all Corona information

Whatsapp Coronavirus Information Hub is a place where in you get all information and guidance on the deadly coronavirus. The Hub has is launched in partnership with the World Health Organization, United Nations Development Programme and UNICEF.
Apart from this, Whatsapp has also donated one million dollars to Poynter Institutes International; Fact Checking Network.The Hub gives actionable and simple guidance for health workers, local business community leaders, educators, nonprofit organisations and local governments that rely on whatsapp to communicate

School Closure world over to have negative impact; UNESCO

The UNESCO has warned that school closures because of coronavirus impact was harmful as it interrupts learning, increases drop outs and social isolation.

UNESCO says that the children do not get the opportunities for development and growth when schools are closed. This leads to interrupted learning. This would be bad for under-privileged learners who will only have fewer opportunities.

COVID19: One in five children out of school

With Coronavirus gripping almost all the countries, one in five children worldwide is staying away from school and an additional one in four students is kept out of higher education establishments.
The deadly virus has affected about 363 million students from the pre-primary to tertiary level, according to UNESCO. The world body also said that 57.8 million students in higher education were also affected.

Corona Care Homes to take care of COVID patients

Kerala has decided to open ‘Corona Care Homes’ near all the International Airports in the state in a bid to contain the further spread of the deadly coronavirus. This will help to identify the passengers who are infected and quarantine them in an effective way.
Reports said that The Corona Care Homes will be have facility for accommodating about 5,000 people alo0ng with doctors and other staff. The homes will also have an in-house lab facility, the reports said. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hand washing: How and Why?

With the Covid-19 infections rising alarmingly, there are aggressive campaigns across the world for hand washing as a precaution. But, many do not know how it should be done and why it is important.

Why the hand washing?
• Coronaviruses are encased in a lipid envelope — basically, a layer of fat. Soap can break that fat apart and make the virus unable to infect you.
• The second thing soap does is mechanical. It makes skin slippery so that with enough rubbing, we can pry germs off and rinse them away.

Coronavirus has a natural origin; claims study

Pushing aside all controversies that the Coronavirus emerged from a laboratory in the city of Wuhan, China, a new study revealed that the virus has a natural origin. The study has come up in Nature Medicine Journal.
The study claims there was no evidence to show that the virus was developed in a laboratory or was engineered. It said that the analysis of public genome sequence data from SARS-CoV-2 conformed this, the study claimed.

IMF wants close coordination and contact to secure world economy

Quarantining and social distancing are the best prescription against Coronavirus. But when coming to securing global economy, the exact opposite is needed, according to the International Monetary Fund.
The IMF said that close coordination and close contact were the best medicine to get relief from economic pain inflicted by coronavirus. The IMF pointed out that several governments have taken many steps in ensuring a stable economy. However, it called for coordinated efforts.

Corona Fight: China puts brakes to domestic transmission

Three months after the deadly virus hit a destructive trail from China, the origin country has announced that there was no domestic case on Thursday from the epicentre, sending a ray of hope for millions across the globe.
China announced that no new domestic cases of the COVID-19 was confirmed, including in the virus’ epicentre Wuhan, even as eight more fatalities have been reported, taking the death toll in the country to 3,245.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Chen Wei, ‘terminator of Ebola’, leads another fight against Corona

 Top Chinese bio-warfare expert Chen Wei, known as the `terminator of Ebola’ once saved hundreds from infections during the Ebola attack. She is again on a mission to save thousands, this time fighting against the deadly corona virus.
If the reports are to be believed, she is on the right track with the clinical trials on the first corona vaccine starting in China. The Recombinant Novel Coronavirus Vaccine was successfully developed following more than a month of research. The recommended treatment for the coronavirus includes blood plasma from recovered patients and traditional Chinese medicine.

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